Ready to Get Started?
Of Course You Are!
Before You Do Watch This Video:
Everyone who has followed this Quickstart as directed, has had at least their first 4 referrals, and some have had massive success in their first week and this duplicated the rest of the month to a great deal of income. This will work if you work it. There is no room for Excuses or “I can’t get signups” if you follow what I am about to lay out for you right here…
If your serious about getting Free with the Infinity Downline program, this is the foundation and it all starts right here…
As you get started making Referrals into the program, we all know from the compensation plan that the 2nd and the 4th referral is passed up to the sponsor. This is how the comp plan gets amazingly profitable for you as well and for all the members who refer others and work the program and take action.
Since I travel alot, I use Paypal quite a bit since they send me phone notifications of payments. Since I link the Paypal payment on a seperate website to prevent problems, I mark each payment and account manually.
I always mark each passup from each of my members as soon as humanly possible, but feel free to send me a quick text (662.750.1029) when you have a passup and I will get this marked for you extremely quickly through my smartphone, no matter where I am whether overseas or here in the US.
When texting about a passup, state your ID username and the name of the passup so I can identify that passup to mark. I sometimes may have days of 10-20 passups so being as detailed as possible in your text will help me mark the account much faster for you.
Method 1: Offline
(This requires NO technical or internet marketing experience whatsoever, you have no excuses)
Step 1:
Watch This Video To Learn How Simple and Easy This Method Is:
Step 2:
Download and Print the .pdf file here and fill out exactly as described to you
The Infinity Downline 7 Days to Success Method
(Click on the Title or Image To Access & Print the Method, it will then open and you can download to your computer or print)
Also Note: If you have any trouble filling out 20 names on this list, then also download this ‘memory jogger’ as it will help you remember and think of tons of people that you know:
If you STILL can’t bring yourself to talk to anyone or follow this method, then try this EXERCISE, it brings AMAZING RESULTS EVERYTIME, Crucial Mindset Trick for Anyone Who Has Made Tons Of Money Selling or Promoting Anything:
Method 2: Online Marketing
Step 1:
Read and Watch This Video To Understand How You Can Promote the Opportunity From Day One Online
– Right from the Very Beginning You have Your Unique ID Affiliate ID, such as: <—- This will be your unique affiliate ID
You can go and stick that anywhere you possibly can online right from the very beginning, so if you are not interested in developing your own personalized website (I highly recommend you doing so) you always have this replicated company site to promote using any of the marketing strategies listed on this training site. Go through each Marketing Section on this site and just basically promote your affiliate ID, you can also go to bitly and make your affiliate ID a little shorter if you don’t like the long undesirable look.
Step By Step Tutorial on Promoting Your Affiliate ID Right From the Beginning:
Step 2:
Go To ‘Infinity Downline Capture Pages 2014 – High Converting’ and Make Yourself A Really Good Capture Page, as directed, in that training section. Make sure your capture page link works and you are directing correctly after someone ‘opts-in’ as described to you in that section.
Go to that Training Section Here ==== >> Capture Page Training
Please Note: You will need to have gone through and edited my email campaign and make it personalized to you, this takes a short amount of time to edit my links with your links within Aweber. The autoresponder campaign pre-made for you will do 90% of the work for you
Do Not Proceed With Step 3 until your Capture Page is completed and working perfectly, and the link to that capture page is saved for easy access and reference
Step 3:
Using the Capture Page You Created following the training in that section, place a Very Inexpensive Solo Ad in the Solo Ad Section. Some are as low as $10, this will get viewers and clicks to your offer as soon as possible. If you’ve followed the directions as I’ve described in the capture page training, you will have results.
Depending on your budget, you can place as many solo ads to different solo ad sites as you want to get your business moving and getting clicks. Our main objective is to get prospects to ‘opt-in’ and let my autoresponder campaign go to work.
As far as other QuickStart Methods, these sources are the absolute quickest areas I had success starting out, you MUST study the training sections thoroughly to market on these sources correctly.
1. YouTube Marketing (quadrupled my business)
– This is the Absolute Quickest Way To Get People looking at your offer, product, or opportunity completely free and most no one utilizes video sites in their marketing due to whatever reason. Video is the most effective marketing you will ever do and allows people to get to know you. If you want big results in your business fast, utilize YouTube and master it as fast as possible.
2. Twitter Marketing (quickest way to promote just about anything, make sure you are following as many people as possible to get people seeing your tweets as directed in that section)
3. Facebook Marketing (amazing way to start promoting the program to people that already trust and like you)
4. Craigslist Marketing (anyone can utilize Craigslist right from the very beginning by placing ads, study that section and make sure you watch the webinar to master craigslist)
5. Free Ads (Study This section and especially utilize sites included such as ViralUrl and TrafficSwarm, as Traffic exchange sites can get your guaranteed traffic as soon as you start using their service)
Here are Various Tutorials for Questions I’ve received on ‘Getting Started’
How To Have Credibility In The Beginning
Promote the VALUE of the products to your ‘Warm Market’, focus on how much value your Warm Market receives by being part of your program or opportunity and how it can help THEM. This is much easier to prospect and you don’t have the ‘weird’ situations where your warm market feels like you are trying to get them into ‘one of those things’.
Focus on the VALUE and you will get BIG results, the great thing is you’ll find that this works online as well as offline.
Here is my YouTube Channel to look through and embed my videos on your site (see the Website Creation series for detailed directions on how to do this):