On this page I am going to putting a list of questions and issues that are asked to me about Business Success, Internet Marketing, Network Marketing etc. and also the most Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Accessing This Site.

If you are looking for a FAQ related to your opportunity, then use the dropdown menu on the ‘FAQ’ tab and will show up for you to click on.

1.  “Hey James, What is the #1 factor to why someone is successful at this?”  It really comes down to 2 things and will always be these 2 things:

– Focus

– Treating Your Business Like A Business

I would say that sadly large percentage of the population cannot focus much on anything and want success overnight, learning to focus and treating your business like an actual business (holding yourself accountable everyday in getting results) is what separates the big money earners from those trying to earn.

2.  What is the number 1 reason why someone converts on a website or buys from you vs. everyone else?  This all comes down to TRUST.  This is no different online than it is offline.  I teach this all over this training site.  People only buy or sign up with someone they TRUST.  This is really at the core of what I teach on this training site is how to position ‘trust factors’ on your site and put prospects in a position to make buying an absolutely easy decision.

3.  “Ok James, so what is the real secret to all this and what are you really doing?”  There is a very big myth with online marketing in that there is some secret traffic strategy or a secret ninja tactic that all of us are doing that no one knows about.  The only secret strategy there is in any business is just work like anything else in life.  Online Marketing is all about testing and getting better and better results.   Continually learning and getting better are other ‘secrets’ that those of us who are leaders are doing.

4.  My husband/brother/wife/girlfriend/sister/brother/mother/father is very negative about what I’m doing and I’m not getting any support from those closest to me?  If you want to do great things in life you have to realize that you are going to be criticized for doing so.  It’s human nature for anyone to discourage another person from being successful.  Everyone wants everyone else to ‘just be the same’ because if your going to be better, you are forcing those around you out of their comfort zone and it will most always cause them to discourage you.

5.  How Do I Cancel My Payment?  If you are making a payment to access this training through Paypal, then you would just simply click ‘cancel’ within Paypal to cancel your payment subscription.  This will immediately remove you from the training or soon thereafter.

If you are paying through a Business Opportunity, you will need to follow the cancellation procedure within that business opportunity as well to remove yourself completely so your downline or referrals will be able to make corrections in payments as well if you are leaving a program (it’s the right thing to do and karma is very real).

Please Note:  If you are making a payment through my Linkpoint First Data credit card processor and wish to cancel, always send an email directly to me and forward your last payment made so I can locate the transaction and manually terminate the billing as well.  At times the programming or scripts within the back office of a program may be going on and may miss the signal of you cancelling, so always simply email me and I will manually terminate the billing as well.   This will completely remove you from the training site and all future trainings that I add in the future.

Here is the official Linkpoint Cancellation Page for further help and step by step directions:


6.  My payment failed, and I need to change it, what do I do?  First of all make sure that payment is completely cancelled and is not being billed because failed payments will result in your removal of this site.  Secondly just make sure to set up a working payment through the same manner you accessed this site again. 

Email me if any questions or assistance.

7.  Someone on my team changed our training password, how can I fix this?  I have corrected this from ever happening again, but if you find someone changing a password I have designated, just always let me know and always send me your name, username, etc. so I can identify you and will completely ban anyone that is tampering with login and passwords.

8.  I am part of another business opportunity, can I share my password with those people as well to train them?  If you are accessing this site and sharing with members of your opportunity outside of my opportunities this is acceptable.  I have had a few occasions in the past where members were embedding my videos on a training site or trying to impersonate me and this was met with severe consequences.  All videos are tracked with embed tracking links, so again just please do the right thing.

9.  I am not a ‘Direct Member’ but would like to gain access to the ‘Direct Members Only’ special training area, can I get access?  Email me and I will share with you on how to get access to that section if you are not sponsored by me directly.  This will be a small additional cost.


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